The importance of this newborn session prep guide prior to arrival is the keys to a successful Dallas newborn photography photoshoot. Your baby’s first few days of a baby’s life are so magical and incredible! Being able to freeze those moments for you is such an honor for Dallas, Newborn Photographer, Lily Hayes. I thought it might be helpful to write down how parents play a important role to a successful, pleasant and enjoyable experience for the successful newborn shoot.
In this newborn session prep guide, I’ll be giving your helpful tips and tricks to ease the preparation for your baby’s newborn session.
So…. let’s get started!
Newborn Session Prep Guide
Let’s Pencil You In!
I highly recommend booking your Dallas newborn session as early as three months prior to your approximate delivery date. That gives me enough time fully customize a newborn session just for you. If anything else is needed such as a coordinating headband or matching outfit, I will have enough time to research and purchase any additional items needed.
Birth Day | Newborn Session Prep Guide
Yay!! I know you are just excited as I am to capture those little tiny fingers and toes while it last! Once you and baby have been giving the green light to go home, please contact me right away to schedule a definite date and time for your babies newborn session. Sessions are typically scheduled 7 to 10 days, following your release.
When scheduling the session the earlier the better. Newborns much younger tend to do very well in the studio, oppose to a baby that is 10-14 days old. They tend not to wake up frequently and as easily when getting them transitioned into a setup. A mere 48 hours in a newborn’s life is very crucial when preparing them for their session. Hence, why this newborn session prep guide is extremely important. I have witness many, many times after the 10-12 day mark, newborns have discovered the art of stretching! Once that happens…they won’t let us curl them up in the cute little newborn poses, without a fight!
Location, Location, Location
Newborn sessions take place in my home studio at 4014 Dalton Dr. Rowlett, TX. It’s a custom design private studio which holds everything needed for your bundle of joy.
Sleepy, Hungry
Babies do very well in the studio for posing when they are in a very deep sleep. To encourage this I highly recommend, stimulating the baby at least two hours before your scheduled arrival, a warm bath always does the trick. This also means keeping them awake during the car ride here and refrain from feeding 2 hours before arrival as well. As mentioned I’ve seen it all, unfortunately their have been a few moms that will say,” my baby sleeps through anything”. Unfortunately, the come to find out in a very unfortunate way, no they actually don’t. Following the newborn session prep guide plays a tremouse role on how well your baby will transitions throughout the newborn photography session.
Your Arrival Time
Once you arrive you will feed your baby right away, once burped, we will then start preparing him/her for their session, meaning any and all clothing must be taken off, except for the diaper. As you might know babies don’t like the feeling of being naked, they want to be warm and completely snuggled (although we will have a small heater in place to keep them warm) still, they are naked. That alone completely startles and wakes up a baby faster than anyone expected and because of that, they are now fully awake.
Some newborn fall into a deep sleep once picked up, wrap in a small blanket and soothed for about 15 minutes and then there are the babies that have been asleep for 3+ hours before arriving and are now refusing to go to sleep.
From experience, babies that have been asleep prior to arrival are unfortunately the babies that are more difficult to pose because as soon as the blanket comes off, they get startled again and it’s back to trying to put them to sleep. That alone can take up to an hour, if not more and unfortunately does count against your session time.
Keeping in mind these two instructions will most certainly give you a well rested baby. In return we’ll be able to maximize the time you have in the studio with plenty of scenes and photos so for that reason please do not underestimate and risk how well your baby sleeps after a feeding. We need your bundle of joy to be very exhausted, tired and a bit hungry. I know it will be hard, atop of your own sleep deprivation but I promise you, it will be well worth the effort! ♥
Feeding Your Newborn
I highly recommend if you’re solely breastfeeding to pump and bottle feed your milk for your babies session. I’ve had mom’s that breastfeed for up to an hour and unfortunately that does delay the session quite a bit and does count against your allotted time coverage as well. If you don’t pump, my only alternative is to formula feed just for this session only.
Poop Whisperer
That I have been called many times…lol but no worries, it happens! This is completely natural for babies to use blankets or props as there own personal potty. Please don’t feel embarrassed, I reassure you it happens more times that I can remember. Know, I have two young boys on my own so not long ago, it was there never ending mission to make mommy there own personal potty! Have a concern about sanitation? Don’t worry I wash all used props and blankets after each newborn session with non-scented detergent.
Keep The Noise Down
Please do whatever you can to keep the noise to a minimum during our session. Maintaining a calm environment is also a big key to a successful newborn shoot. I do have a white noise app that I will keep close to baby during the session to help soothe him or her. Babies love strong and rhythmic sound. Amazingly! that’s the sound the heard 24/7 in the uterus!
Regulate the Temp
Since babies are usually photographed naked, the studio will be set at a temperature of 80 F to ensure baby is warm and comfortable. If we’re not sweating, it’s probably not warm enough for baby! Parent’s please make sure to wear comfortable loose clothing. I will also provide water and snacks.
Safety is my utmost number one top priority when handling your baby, so either mom or dad will be my spotter/assistant. All eyes and hands are to be kept around baby during posing. During the session I will be handling and posing baby, but don’t worry I have plenty of experience handling a newborn (don’t know if I mentioned I have three boys of my own!) I will hold and care for him or her as if they were my own, I promise!
Last Words
Chances are you’ll be here for a few hours so I highly recommend eating a good hearty breakfast before you arrive. I know this can be a very exciting and stressful time for you, especially when adding sleep deprivation in the mix, along with our newborn session prep guide details. As much as my goal is for baby to be comfortable, I also want you to be comfortable and at ease. Having me photograph this precious moments for you, means a lot to me so anything I can do to make it a smooth journey for you, please don’t hesitate to let me know.
Again thank you for giving Lily Hayes the opportunity to capture these unforgettable memories. Hope the newborn session prep guide was helpful in providing preparation insight.
Please feel free to review our Dallas newborn photography faq’s page for any additional info. If you have any concerns aside from what’s listed on this newborn session prep guide, please submit an inquiry here.